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19 Nov 2011 - 22:34 |
Keerriectgype ( ) |
Published and recorded by Solomon Burke in 1964, For a lot of a long time it was the opener for your Rolling Stones reside reveals. They launched a live model with the song on their 1965 E.P. "Got Dwell should you want it". The Rolling Stones ended up to become quite possibly the most effective Rock band of all time, and they have been fundamental for the wider recognition and appreciation in the early Blues artists. They took there name from a Muddy Waters song "Rolling Stone". The songs riff was "borrowed" for that to begin with "Small Faces" hit single "What You Gonna Do About It" also in 1965. The thriving "soul" artist, Wilson Pickett lined the song and it entered the US charts in 1967. This song also features within the 1980 "Blues Brothers movie" The song, as are many of those people outlined, is ranked in the Rolling Stone magazine's list on the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. htt p://y izhiw ang.c om/nu cleus /inde x.php ?item id=24 & catid =1 h ttp:/ /www. ffw-g utten bach. de/in dex.p hp/ga esteb uch http: //dri m.in/ Slubr eastr iem http: //www .pate ntski lls.c om/cg i-bin /cale ndar/ calen dar.p l?ACT ION=V IEWDA Y&Yea r=200 9&Mon th=11 &Date =15 http: //tak emyca rbon. com/H ismom os |
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11 Nov 2011 - 14:58 |
Boarlyplaps ( ) |
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08 Nov 2011 - 05:05 |
feextcize ( ) |
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29 Aug 2011 - 07:02 |
Елена (hidden) |
Спасибо!Очень много нужной информации для себя (и для друзей) нашла именно у Вас! |
5 |
02 Jun 2011 - 10:28 |
Надежда ( ) |
Спасибо ОГРОМНОЕ,очень много полезной информации для начинающих (садистов). |
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29 May 2011 - 17:02 |
Арсен ( ) |
Спасибо, очень помогает начинающим |
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26 May 2011 - 16:55 |
Татьяна () |
Спасибо, очень помогает начинающим |
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26 May 2011 - 16:54 |
Татьяна (hidden) |
Спасибо, очень помогает начинающим |
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25 Apr 2011 - 22:15 |
Ната ( ) |
Доступно и понятною |
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18 Apr 2011 - 13:16 |
Саида ( ) |
очень полезная информация,спасибо за это. |